
T-Mobile G2: His Review | Her Review

Saturday, October 2, 2010

T-Mobile launches sign-up page for Galaxy Tab

Just last night, T-Mobile put up a sign-up page for the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Tab. If you recall, the Tab is a 7" Android tablet running 2.2, Froyo and coming to all major US carriers soon. The sign-up page doesn't have any new information, but it does reaffirm T-Mobile's plans to release the device soon, and provides a way to sign-up for updates on availability.

If you haven't seen it, be sure to check out this video showing the Tab in action. Again, nothing revolutionary, but it's a great demonstration of potential use-cases for an Android tablet.

There's still no exact details on release date, price, or what kind of plan will be required. All major carriers are expected to launch the Tab in time for the holiday shopping season, so we should hear more very soon. T-Mobile is the first carrier to put up a sign-up page, so it's very possible that we'll hear more from them first. Stay tuned! [via Tmonews and T-Mobile]

I have a feeling that once I see this in person, I'll want it desperately. There's just something about tablets that feels futuristic, even though I can't think of a single reason why I'd want one. I just don't personally have any use for a tablet. I don't see myself buying a Tab for several reasons, but I'm excited to see some high-profile Android tablets hit the scene and I look forward to checking one out in person.

Ooh, yeah, that looks pretty cool. I've had my eye on the e-reader scene for awhile, but it just makes sense to go with a device that can do more than just one task--enter the world of tablets. I don't know if this tablet is necessarily anything special, but it's definitely going to be interesting to watch all of the developments tablets will be making.

As a side note, does Samsung Galaxy Tab really need to be three different fonts?!

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