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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Android weekend rumor recap

The weekend is here, Christmas is past, and another edition of the Android weekend rumor recap is upon us. This is also the final recap post of 2010, so let's make it a good one! We have quite a few juicy rumors this week, so be sure to continue reading for a quick overview of them, as well as our opinions on each.

To start, we have a rumor from RCR Unplugged that the very slick LG Optimus 2X is coming to T-Mobile USA in March. The Optimus 2X, if you recall, is one of the first dual-core Android devices, and is also in a very thin, attractive body.
Ryan says: Excellent! When this phone debuted, there was considerable doubt that it would arrive in the US at all. This would mean that T-Mobile would get one of the post powerful phones to date, and would just be extremely cool.
Shelsy says: Well, that would prove me wrong about it being an antique by the time it actually made it to the US. So, way to go LG and T-Mobile for making it happen. I think a lot of people are probably excited about this phone.

Next up, is a rumor that HTC is making the first 4G phone for Verizon, codenamed Mecha, and likely to be sold as the Incredible HD, or the Thunderbolt. Verizion is holding a press event at CES on January 6 to discuss their 4G network, and now HTC has put up a teaser site for a 4G device to be announced on the same day.
Ryan says: I'm excited to see it just because it's HTC, and because early reports indicate that Verizon's 4G network is going to be ridiculously fast. But I have no interest in paying for Verizon's expensive plans, so this doesn't personally interest me.
Shelsy says: I honestly can't keep up with who has 4G and who doesn't--it makes me a little confused. I actually thought Verizon already had 4G, so while this is probably really big news for everyone else, it's kind of anti-climactic for me....

Continuing the Verizon 4G trend, the Wall Street Journal ran a story this week claiming that Verizon will also sell a Motorola 4G phone soon. If true, it's very possible that we'll also hear about a Motorola device at the January 6 event.
Ryan says: It's 4G, which is always exciting. But it's Verizon and Motorola, which immediately make it un-exciting. No thanks.
Shelsy says: I'm going to have to agree with Ryan on this one.

Not to be left behind, we have a rumor from Gizmodo that Samsung is also developing a 4G phone for Verizon. This could very well mean that Verizon will launch three 4G devices in rapid succession next month, in an attempt to grab as many new customers as possible.
Ryan says: Samsung has been on a ridiculous roll lately with phone releases, so I totally believe this. But I don't really care for the Galaxy S line myself, so I can't say I'm all that excited about this one either.
Shelsy says: I think it's smart for Verizon to launch a bunch of different options as they unveil their 4G network. Although, they're almost all likely to be 4" slate phones, so I don't know if that really counts as "options."

Remember that Motorola tablet we covered earlier this week? Well, a new report suggests that Motorola is in the process of trademarking the name "Xoom" around the world. Of course, the Xoom name could be for any number of Motorola devices, but rumor seems to indicate that this name is, indeed, for the tablet.
Ryan says: Man, I really want to be excited about this tablet. It sounds so cool, but my fear of Motorola is really preventing me from looking forward to it. That, and it's likely to be marketed the same way the Tab is, with carrier contracts, an extremely high price tag, etc. Color me tentatively curious.
Shelsy says: I'm withholding judgment until I see it, but I'm not holding my breath, either. Although, I kind of like the name Xoom. It's a little weird, but not bad at all.

And finally, we have a rumor from DigiTimes (which has a less than perfect track record for rumor accuracy) suggesting that Honeycomb will debut in March. The report indicates that tablets running Honeycomb (Android 2.4 or 3.0) will be announced at CES with general availability of the tablets and Honeycomb itself being a couple months later in March.
Ryan says: I'm somewhat skeptical, since Gingerbread was just released a few weeks ago, but all these tablet rumors seem to be lining up. Plus, Google has said that another update would be coming in the spring, so this is definitely possible.
Shelsy says: It does seem odd (and unlikely) that the two updates would be so close together, but I guess by March, it will feel like it's been an awfully long time, and I'm sure I'll be itching for Honeycomb by then. So, bring it on!

Whew, that was quite a list. And there were even some lessor rumors that we didn't even get to! With momentum ramping up as we approach CES, we can expect lots more exciting rumors in the weeks to come, so we'll see you in 2011 for the next rumor recap post!

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