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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Disney-themed Android phone coming to Japan

The Disney-themed cellphone company in the US had a very short life and was closed back in 2007. But in Japan it is thriving and apparently has a rather large fanbase. And now they're launching their own, custom Android smartphone.

Not much is known about the device itself, but it will be running Android 2.2, Froyo and will feature all kinds of exclusive Disney content like wallpapers, apps, widgets, themes, etc. The device also might even feature a glasses-free 3D display.

The phone is expected to be unveiled next month. It's also safe to assume that this will remain a Japan exclusive and will never see any kind of release in the US. [via MobileCrunch and DisneyMobile]

This is pretty cool, I say, though not for me since it'll never leave Japan. I do have hope, though, that the custom Disney bits like widgets and such will make their way to the hacking community so we can all try them out because, be honest, who wouldn't like some Disney widgets and apps?. Also, a glasses-free 3D display would rock. I want one.

As a Disney geek, I think this is pretty awesome, and I'm definitely jealous. I'm also hoping the widgets and such will eventually be available for the rest of us, because I know I'll use at least some of them. I have no idea how appealing a glasses-free 3D display would be to me--I guess I'd have to see it in person. It doesn't sound appealing. And oh man, I love those case designs! They're all pretty girly, though, but there are several that I would want.

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