Google took to their official blog yesterday to vent some frustration surrounding the Android patent situation. According to the post, two longtime rivals, Apple and Microsoft, have joined forces to hamper Android innovation and attempt to profit from bogus patent licensing.
The post is worth reading, even if it is a little on the harsh side. It's somewhat unusual for huge companies to take to their corporate blogs to discuss legal matters, and it shows how seriously Google is taking this situation.
I'm not even going to pretend to be qualified enough to discuss the relevance of patents. To me, the whole patent atmosphere in America seems to be outdated and not capable of handling the extremely fast-paced tech world. The system was built back in the days of inventions being very specific and lasting for years. Now, companies can get patents of extremely broad ideas that would seem to apply to every single gadget ever made.
It's going to be interesting to watch how this particular situation unfolds, especially given the public perspective Google has now given it. Ultimately, it won't make much of a difference for average consumers, especially in the short term.
Sometimes I just get tired of the human race. While I haven't looked into this situation extensively, it just seems so petty. It would be nice if these companies would spend their time and energy making products that they think are better than Android, instead of getting defensive. Grow up Apple and Microsoft.
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